The construction industry in digital transition
At a time when technological developments have been up to speed these last few decades, the construction sector has only recently decided to move get on board aswell.

These craft professions, where skilled labour is rare, have not always looked upon the digitization of industry favourably. However, the digitization of the sector makes it possible to temper the drudgery of work, but also to provide better performance within a company and to contribute in a way to raising awareness of environmental protection. The industrialization of the construction sector is booming at the present time and invites a new form of competitiveness between enterprises. The web platform represents a real launching pad for companies and those taking the risk to not follow the pace can be set aside quickly. With this new trend, new professions are developing since engines and tools are more and more connected and customers now favour accurate products and staff always more attentive and available.
FLOVEA takes this digital transition very seriously and is keen to always innovate in the service of technological developments. Our study office draws its performance from BIM scale models and 3D modelling made with accuracy using CAD softwares (Computer-assisted design) in order to provide our customers with always more qualitative products. In addition, our R&D department has developed a connected hydraulic integrator to provide total control over sanitary plumbing networks from a mobile app. We have a sense of responsibility for reducing the energy footprint of households on the environment. As a result, we are partners of laboratories and research centres to develop innovative solutions for the ecology and the household’s consumption.